Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Like Gibbon

Oh dear, I seem to be on a declining trend. 

In October, my first full month as one of these new-fangled bloggers, I received 147 page views. In November, this fell to 118. So far this month, I’ve had 34.

I’m worried.

I’m not expecting to be the new Robert Peston, but it is only worth talking to the world if the world wants to listen.

I won’t be here next week (I’ll be cosily ensconced in the land of cold turkey) but what am I to do on my return? After all, there’s not much I can do to raise awareness of this blog myself. I don’t tweet (and, even if I did, I’d then have to find followers – which is the same job) and I’m too embarrassed to tell everyone I meet that “I have a blog”. It just sounds too postmodern.

So, perhaps, I need to accept a gradual descent into anonymity from the heights of 147 page views. On the current trend, I’ll be down to one view per month by April. That will be my mum.

However, there might be an alternative. If you, dear reader, could tell the world about my blog then, you never know, more of you might read it.

You see, while there aren’t many of you, I do know that there are a few. A couple of you have posted comments, a few more of you have mentioned it to me on the phone and I can see from my stats package that the 69 page views in the last month are not all the same person.

So, go on, tell the world! And while you’re doing it, wish it, as I wish you, a very merry Christmas and a joyful and prosperous new year.


  1. There is a technique to driving traffic to a blog - content itself is less than hald the battle.

    For a start you need to comment on similar blogs and get them to comment back to yours - it'll drive up your visits and where you sit in the search engines etc.

  2. yup, commenting on other peoples blogs is always a good way to build up readers.
    that's how I found you from your comment on DG.

    there is no quick or easy way to build up readers.
    there are many different techiniques and ideas and only some will appeal to you, and only some will actually bring in readers!

    you just have to keep plugging away .

  3. You're both right! I also know that I should add photos. The idea of simply relying on the written word is horribly old-fashioned. However, it's early days yet, and at least I'm still writing it...
